Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Naked In The Khan Market

Judiciary must change its mindset. With lifting veil on collegium recommendation it has started but a lot is yet to be done. It should continue.
It was Chhattisgarh High Court that led the way in the change of mindset but later stepped back. Here are some steps that were done and should be adopted by judiciary.

Many of the steps taken at the Chhattisgarh High Court, mentioned in the piece below, are recorded here

Sunday, August 13, 2017

Aadhaar - Inadequate Data protection

Ambedkar Presenting final draft of the Constitution to Rajendra prasad - Picture courtesy Wikipedia

The three part series on 'Privacy' is based on the written submissions submitted by the author before the Supreme Court. 
In the first post, we had discussed historical perspective of 'Privacy'. In the second post, we took a look at the Indian scene. In the third and last post, we are discussing data protection in relation to Aadhaar number.

तीन कड़ियों में, निजता पर प्रकाशित होने वाला लेख, लेखक के द्वारा सर्वोच्च न्यायालय के समक्ष प्रस्तुत लिखित बहस पर आधारित हैं।
इसकी पहली कड़ी में, हमने 'निजता' के ऐतिहासिक परिप्रेक्ष्य पर चर्चा की थी।  दूसरी कड़ी में, इसके भारतीय दृश्य के बारे में बताया था। तीसरे और अंतिम कड़ी में, हम आधार संख्या के डेटा सुरक्षा पर चर्चा कर रहे हैं।

Wednesday, August 09, 2017

Privacy - Indian Scene

This is second of the three part series on 'Privacy'. It is based on the written submissions submitted by the author before the Supreme Court.
In the first part, we had discussed historical perspective of Privacy. In this  second part, we take a look, why Privacy is part of Article 21 of the Constitution of India.

Jawahar Lal Nehru signing Indian Constitution - picture courtesy Wikipedia

'निजता' के ऊपर, तीन कड़ियों  में प्रकाशित हो रही श्रंखला की यह दूसरी कड़ी है। यह लेखक के द्वारा, सर्वोच्च न्यायालय के समक्ष दी गयी लिखित बहस पर आधारित हैं।

इसकी पहली कड़ी में, हमने निजता के ऐतिहासिक परिप्रेक्ष्य पर चर्चा की थी। इसके दूसरे भाग में, हम चर्चा कर रहे हैं कि निजता किस प्रकार से भारत के संविधान के अनुच्छेद २१ का हिस्सा है।

Thursday, August 03, 2017

Your Fingerprints - On The Next Bank Robbery

Privacy - Historical Perspective
The ongoing arguments in the Aadhaar case before the Supreme Court on the question, 'whether right to privacy is protected as a fundamental right or not', is important. An affirmative answer will reopen other fundamental issues regarding—right to end one's life; right to have same sex relationships; and GLBT rights. 
This is three part series about 'Privacy'. In this part, we take a historical journey. 
This series is based on the written submissions submitted before the Supreme Court by the author.

Justice Louis Brandeis - Pioneer of Privacy - Picture Courtesy Wikipedia

Saturday, February 18, 2017

The Monkey Trial

It was illegal to teach theory of evolution in most of states in US.  John T Scopes, a biology teacher, was prosecuted to teach it. He was defended by Clarence Darrow. This post of the LegalTrek series is about that trial.

Scopes' trial in the lawns. Bryan being cross examined by Darrow - Picture courtesy Smithsonian Institute Archives

LegalTrek - Biogrphies
Courtroom - Finest Legal Biography।। Leibowitz - The First Case।। Art of Cross Examination।। The Man on the Cigarette Packet।। Scottsboro Boys' Case - Facts।। Scottsboro Boys case - First Round Supreme Court।। Prejudice - the Womb Of Injustice।। Books - Best Cure For Mental Illness।। Clarence Darrow for the Defense।। Darrow - The Labour Lawyer।। American African Doctor And the White Neighbourhood।। The Monkey Trial।।

Wednesday, February 08, 2017

American African Doctor And the White Neighbourhood

This post of the LegalTrek series is about Dr. Ossian Sweet, who was successfully defended by Clarence Darrow 

The house of Dr. Ossian Sweet in the white neighbourhood, where he was attacked. It was designated as a Michigan State Historic Site in 1975 and listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1985.

Life is Full of Surprises।। How  I Became A Lawyer।। Allahabad High Court Is Born।। Lucknow Bench - Historical Necessity।। Introduction to Setalvad।। Benches and The Law Commission।। Court of Appeal – Not A Good Idea: Some Suggestions।। Courtroom - Finest Legal Biography।। Leibowitz - The First Case।। Art of Cross Examination।। The Man on the Cigarette Packet।। Scottsboro Boys' Case - Facts।। Scottsboro Boys case - First Round Supreme Court।। Prejudice - the Womb Of Injustice।। Books - Best Cure For Mental Illness।। Clarence Darrow for the Defense।। Darrow - The Labour Lawyer।। American African Doctor And the White Neighbourhood।।

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Security Concerns - Cashless Transactions

This is a part of the talk 'Cyber law and Security Concerns' delivered on 18th January 2017 at the SGT University, Gurugaon. It explains safeguards to be taken in order to avoid cyber frauds.

Saturday, January 07, 2017

Clarence Darrow for the Defense

Clarence Darrow was most prominent American lawyer around end of nineteenth and beginning of twentieth century. Irving Stone has written his excellent biography ' Clarence Darrow for the Defense'. 
This post and some next following posts of the LegalTrek series are about Clarence Darrow and his biography.


This is the third and the last post of the series 'Working of Our Constitution: Some Experiences'. It talks about my first brush wit...