Monday, July 24, 2023


Felix Franfurter J. - Courtesy Wikipedia
This is the seventh and the last post of the series ‘Command Over Language is an Asset’. It talks about: advice of Felix Frankfurter J. to a young boy, when the boy had asked him how to prepare to become a good lawyer; the secret of KL Misra’s success; and explains the same, with the help of one the finest  science fiction story ever written - ‘Profession’ by Isaac Asimov. 

Command Over Language Is An Asset

One Sentence Changed The Fate।। Advocate General taught English To Me।। Misfortune of Being Opposed by KL Misra ।। Present Evolves Out Of The Past।। Ruling May Not Choke My Intelligence।। Well Read Person - Best Prepared For Law।।

Today is the world of Internet, Google, ChatGPT and all information is just a click away. Yet, benefits of reading, virtues of the written word can not be ignored. 
Let me tell you about an interesting science fiction story.

Science Fiction Story - Profession

Isaac Asimov was the greatest science fiction writer of the last century. ‘Nine Tomorrows' is a collection of nine stories of the future. They are the finest science fiction stories ever written. If you have not read them then please read them.  'Profession' is the lead story in it.  

'Profession' first published
'Profession' was first published in the July 1959 issue of the magazine ‘Astounding Science Fiction’. It is set in the sixty-sixth century, when children are educated, almost instantaneously by a direct computer/ brain interface through a process known as taping. George Platen is the protagonist of the story but he was not taped. He is encouraged to read, whatever he likes. 
The story revolves around Olympics to select a suitable people for people living on different planets in different galaxies and why was George Platen not taped, underlining the importance of reading.
In order to understand as to why was George Platen was not taped and importance of reading, please read the story here, if you have not read it. 

Bill Gates also emphasises the virtue of written text, In an interview (The Guardian April 1996), he said,

“ People can not become truly knowledgeable without being excellent readers. While multimedia system can use video sound to deliver information in compelling ways, text is still one of the best ways convey details. I try to make time for reading each night. In additions to  the usual newspaper and magazine, I make it a priority to read at least one news-weekly cover to cover. If I read only what intrigues me – say science and business then I would finish the same person I was when I started. So I read it all.”

This also the advice of Felix Frankfurter J.

Advice -  Felix Frankfurter J.

About seven decades ago, in May 1954, Paul Claussen, a twelve year old, expressed his interest to become a lawyer and sought advice of Felix Frankfurter J. He was 71 at that time. He send him the following advice:

"No one can be a truly competent lawyer unless he is a cultivated man. If I were you I would forget about any technical preparation for the law. The best way to prepare for the law is to be a well-read person. Thus alone can one acquire the capacity to use the English language on paper and in speech and with the habits of clear thinking which only a truly liberal education can give. No less important for a lawyer is the cultivation of the imaginative faculties by reading poetry, seeing great paintings, in the original or in easily available reproductions, and listening to great music. Stock your mind with the deposit of much good reading, and widen and deepen your feelings by experiencing vicariously as much as possible the wonderful mysteries of the universe, and forget about your future career."

KL Misra understood the importance of reading. 

Sanjay Misra J.

KL Misra's Secret

Let me tell you an incident that I had with his grandson Sanjay Misra, when we were both lawyers. Like me, he also became judge of the Allahabad High Court and is at present Lokayukt of UP.

About three decades ago, Sanjay met me in connection with a case. I found that like me,  he was also a science fiction fan. He not only knew about great science fiction writers but had read them as well.  This surprised me.  I know of no lawyer/ judge, interested in genre of science fiction.

On my query, he told me that this was due to his grandfather’s library. He also said that: his  grandfather was a voracious reader and used to read almost all books on every subject from law, mythology, literature, science, science fiction; you name a topic and he had read best books on that subject and it would be in his library; in case, he was not dealing with his clients then rest assured, you could find him reading some book. 

This was the reason of success of  KL Misra. He read, and read on every topic, assimilated them -  gaining wisdom and mastery over language. 

Today’s law colleges are: full of  mock competition that one may never encounter in real life; enforce internship on students that lawyers are supposed to do in their life through out. This is done at the cost of reading and extra curricular activities. This is not right. 

It is much more important for the students: to cultivate habit of reading; to read on variety of subjects that have nothing to do with law, to spend time on extra curricular activities; to enjoy games and sports; to enjoy and enrich life - rather than to immerse in something mundane that in any case they will do, rest of their lives. 

Cultivating interest in reading; enjoy other fine things of life; meet and spend a day with great people in their free time: it will enrich budding lawyers more than other activities enforced by law schools. 

You never know, you may be another - Kanhaiya Lal Misra - The Magician.

#LanguageImprovement #FelixFrankfurter #IsaacAsimov #KanhaiyaLalMisra

1 comment:

  1. Sir i am really grateful for this inspirative blog. Please keep it up for all of us.



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