Saturday, September 11, 2021


Allahabad High Court organised first national conference of computer committees at Judicial Training & Research Institute, Lucknow on 20th and 21st January, 2018. On this occasion, a souvenir was also published.  At the request of Justice Dileep Gupta, the then Chairman Computer Committee, I penned down the following article for the souvenir. 
It narrates the work done at the Allahabad High Court, during my time in the computer committee. 

Thursday, September 02, 2021

My Father - Virendra Kumar Singh Chaudhary

This post is about my father, Senior Advocate, Virendra Kumar Singh Chaudhary (02.09.1919 - 29-09-2015) 
 इस चिट्ठी में, मेरे पिता, वीरेन्द्र कुमार सिंह चौधरी, वरिष्ट अधिवक्ता (०२.०९.१९१९ - २९.०९.२०१५) की चर्चा है।
My Father - Virendra Kumar Singh Chaudhary - at my official residence at Allahabad

Saturday, August 21, 2021

Read Globally

Satish Chandra Khare
Summary: Lawyer and judges may not achieve their full potential if they confine themselves to reports and writings in India and no Bar can develop if seniors don’t pitch in.

It is illustrated with an incident during emergency – an advice from Satish Chandra Khare, (1911 - 01.12.1980) a stalwart of the Allahabad High Court Bar. 

Friday, July 30, 2021

What Irritates A Judge Most

It is important to pay attention to the observations and queries of the court. This post explains the same with an incident, at early stage of my career, from the court of Justice Hriday Nath Seth (15.10.1925 – 28.10.2017). He was a judge of the Allahabad High court, when I joined the Bar and retired as the Chief Justice of the Punjab and Haryana High Court on 14th October 1987. 

Mr Justice Hriday Nath Seth with his wife Mrs Padma Seth on the lawns of his house in Allahabad. This picture was taken on their last marriage anniversary together. 

Friday, June 11, 2021

Maximum God Almighty - Minimum A Stone

This post is review of the Sarosh Zaiwalla's interesting autobiography titled ‘Honour Bound: Adventures of an Indian Lawyer in English Court’. 

Friday, June 04, 2021

Keep The Judge In Good Humour

This post is about the fundamental rule of advocacy, mentioned by Quintin Hogg in his memoirs ‘A Sparrow's Flight’ together with my experience in the beginning of my career. 

Monday, May 17, 2021

Uncle Petros and Goldbach's Conjecture

This post is a review of the novel, ‘Uncle Petros and Goldbach's Conjecture’, written by Apostolos Doxiadis. To read it in Hindi click here.

Tuesday, May 04, 2021

Writing, Expressing - Improves Communication

2nd edition cover

Summary: The post is about improving communication and its basic rule with a personal happy incident. 

A conversation inspires parties to it; a talk, the attendees; but a writing,  unknown people.

Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Hon’ble Supreme Court???

Summary: The post explains why Hon’ble Supreme Court or Hon’ble High Court is the wrong way of referring/ addressing any court. 
Picture - Courtesy website of the Court

This post is part of the series 'LegalTrek'. They are under the following sub-heading: Book review/ Biography, Drama/ Judgements, History, Managing Court & Judiciary, Office Management, Personal, Reminiscence/ Advice, Suggestions/ Opinion. If necessary, the division will further diversified. This one is under the sub-heading Managing Court & Judiciary. 
One can access these posts in this series by clicking  on the label 'LegalTrek' on the right hand side and this sub-heading posts by clicking Court Management' .

LegalTrek - Managing Court & Judiciary

Tuesday, April 06, 2021

Then All Lawyers Are Lunatic

Summary: The time tested advice - know the mind of the judge and half the case is won – illustrated by an incident from the court of Justice Mahesh Narain Shukla. 
Justice MN Shukla on his elevation as Chief Justice
‘The life of the law has not been logic: it has been experience ... even the prejudices which the judges share with their fellow men, have had a good deal more to do than the Syllogism in determining the rules by which men should be governed.' 
Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes in 'The Common Law' 
LegalTrek - Reminiscences/ Advice
।। Avoid Legalese - Adopt Plain English।।  Know Your Judge।। Soar Rather than Sulk।। One, Who arrests, Bears The Burden।। Then All Lawyers Are Lunatic।। 
This post is part of the series LegalTrek. There are a few posts in this series that relate to 'Biography'; some are 'Miscellaneous' i.e. not falling in any particular group. This one is part reminiscence, part caution, part advice. You can access posts of the other series by clicking on 'LegalTrek' under the heading 'Labels' on the right side.

Tuesday, March 23, 2021

One, Who arrests, Bears The Burden

Summary: If it is not possible to do justice then at least empathise and try to ameliorate the hardship – illustrated by an incident from the court of Justice DM Chandrashekhar. 

Justice DM Chandrashekhar, soon after his elevation in 1963

LegalTrek - Reminiscences/ Advice
।। Avoid Legalese - Adopt Plain English।।  Know Your Judge।। Soar Rather than Sulk।। One, Who arrests, Bears The Burden।। 
This post is part of the series LegalTrek. There are a few posts in this series that relate to 'Biography'; some are 'Miscellaneous' i.e. not falling in any particular group. This one is part reminiscence, part caution, part advice. You can access posts of the other series by clicking on 'LegalTrek' under the heading 'Labels' on the right side.

Wednesday, March 17, 2021


: This post explains when will digital/ electronic evidence be admissible and what safeguards may be taken. 

Sunday, March 07, 2021


In CJ's residence -Bilaspur

Summary: This post explains what kind of posts are there in the ‘LegalTrek’ series. You can see posts on this series by clicking on the label 'LegalTrek' on the right hand side.

LegalTrek is the journey of the Allahabad High Court; its history, its establishment, its growth; the judges and the lawyers, who walked in its corridors.

It is also my journey in the legal profession; how I became a lawyer; what inspired me; what experiences I had; and what I wish to leave for the budding lawyers and judges of the future.

In this process, the posts also talk about management of a law office; court management; and how to revamp our judiciary.

So far, I have kept my posts under the following sub-heading: Book review/ Biography, Drama/ Judgements, History, Managing Court & Judiciary, Office Management, Personal, Reminiscence/ Advice, Suggestions/ Opinion. If necessary, the division may be further refined. One can access posts in this series by clicking  on the label 'LegalTrek' on the right hand side.

#LegalTrek #YatindraSingh

Wednesday, March 03, 2021

Soar Rather Than Sulk

Summary: This post is an advice to budding legal professionals - be they aspire to be a lawyer or a law teacher, or a jurist or a judge illustrated by an instance from the court of Justice Brij Narain Sapru
'When law stands in the path of justice clanking its chains, the proper course of the Judge is to pass through them undeterred.' 
With due apologies to Lord Atkin (United Australia Ltd. Vs Barclays Bank 1941 AC 1 at 29
LegalTrek - Reminiscences/ Advice
।। Avoid Legalese - Adopt Plain English।।  Know Your Judge।। Soar Rather than Sulk।।
This post is part of the series LegalTrek. There are a few posts in this series that relate to 'Biography'; some are 'Miscellaneous' i.e. not falling in any particular group. This one is part reminiscence, part caution, part advice. You can access posts of the other series by clicking on 'LegalTrek' under the heading 'Labels' on the right side.

Saturday, February 20, 2021

Know Your Judge

 Summary: This post is an advice to young lawyers.

On 5th February, 1999, the date of taking oath as the Judge of the Allahabad High Court (from left) with my wife, father, son and the photograph of my mother in the centre 
LegalTek - Reminiscences 
This post is part of the series LegalTrek. There are a few posts in this series that relate to 'Biography'; some are 'Miscellaneous' i.e. not falling in any particular group. This one is part reminiscence, part  caution, part advice. 
You can access other post of the series by clicking on 'LegalTrek' under the heading 'Labels' on the right side. 


This is the third and the last post of the series 'Working of Our Constitution: Some Experiences'. It talks about my first brush wit...