Sunday, June 26, 2016

Leibowitz - The First Case

Samuel Leibowitz - Courtesy America Pink 
This is the eight post of the series 'LegalTrek'. The last post was 'Courtroom - Finest Legal Biography' and this post is about how Samuel Leibowitz got his first case and what happened ti it. 

How I Became A Lawyer।। Allahabad High Court Is Born।। Lucknow Bench - Historical Necessity।। Introduction to Setalvad।। Benches and The Law Commission।। Court of Appeal – Not A Good Idea: Some Suggestions।। Courtroom - Finest Legal Biography।। Leibowitz - The First Case

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Courtroom - Finest Legal Biography

This is the seventh post of the series 'LegalTrek'. The last post was 'National Court of Appeal - Not A Good Idea' and the next few posts will be about the  legal autobiographies/ biographies. This post is about a book titled 'Courtroom', the finest legal biography that I have read.

Friday, June 10, 2016

National Court of Appeal – Not A Good Idea: Some Suggestions

This is the sixth post of the series 'LegalTrek'. The last post was about 'Benches and the Law Commission' and this post is about whether we should have National Court of Appeal (NCA) or not what steps may be undertaken to reduce the pendency in courts.
Photogrph courtesey offcial website of the Supreme Court 

।। ।। Court of Appeal – Not A Good Idea।।


TWO CLASSIC BOOKS ON OUR CONSTITUTION This is the first post of the series 'Working Of Our Constitution: Some Experiences'. It talks...