Tuesday, December 14, 2010


R-2 D-2 from the film 'Star Wars'
Importance of Open Source and Open Format for better E-Governance
(Summary: This talk explains the importance of open source and open format. And why their use is crucial in e-governace and e-society.
It was delivered by Justice Yatindra Singh in the National Conference on 'E-Government & E-Society' on 11-12 December 2010 at Allahabad by the Computer Society of India, Allahabad Chapter.
A pdf format of this article may be downloaded from here.)

नमस्ते, and a very good afternoon to all of you.

I am proud to say that our website says,
'Allahabad High Court has taken a policy decision to work in Open Source Software and use open standards

We have chosen Linux, Firefox, Thunderbird and OpenOffice.org softwares as they are Open Source softwares. Our Website is also best viewed in Firefox.'

Ours is a success story of open source applications and my other Brother judges, who are at present concerned with Computer committee of the court will tell you about it . However the process of shifting over to open source and open format was done at the time when I was associated with the computer committee of the court and obviously I was requested to speak about their relevance in e-governance and e-society.

But what the heck, the fifth avtaar (reincarnation) of God Visnu (see Endnote-1), Vaman (see Endnote-2) doing out here. If he is to be born again then who would be the demon king Bali in the e-society, from whose clutches Vaman would free us?

And what is this robot doing out here—isn't he Artoo-Dtoo (R2-D2) from 'Star Wars'.  Oh, what a confusion? 

Don't worry, just sit, relax, and enjoy. I will connect them up.

Friday, November 26, 2010


(Summary: This talk explains the principles established by the courts for environmental protection and controlling pollution as well as major laws relating to it. It also explains what we can do to protect the environment and reduce pollution.
It was delivered by Justice Yatindra Singh, Judge Allahabad High Court, Allahabad at the national seminar on 'Impact of Environmental Changes on Human Life' organised by SS Khanna Girls' Degree College Allahabad on 21.11.2010
A pdf format of the text can be downloaded by clicking here.)

Sunday, July 11, 2010


(Summary: The article by Justice Yatindra Singh talks about the novel 'To Kill a Mockingbird' by Harper Lee on the 50th year of its publication, the Scottsboro Boys' Case that inspired it, Samuel Leibowitz the leading lawyer in the case, and his biography 'Courtroom'.
 A pdf format of the article can be downloaded by clicking here.
It was later delivered by Justice Yatindra Singh in the Faculty of Law, University of Allahabad on 21.8.2010.) 
Here, one can read it in Hindi.

Sunday, May 09, 2010


Implementations, Challenges and The Role of Adjudicating Officers

Painting by Gyzis Nikolaos - from Wikipedia
(Summary: This post explains why every system is not secures and discusses power of adjudicating officers under the Information Technology Act and procedure to be adopted by them.

It was delivered delivered by Justice Yatindra Singh, Judge Allahabd High Court, in seminar on 'Enforcement of Cyber Law' by the National Project Committee and Cyber Appellate Tribunal at NASC PUSA New Delhi on 08.05.2010. 

This text in pdf format may be obtained from here.)

Does it matter as to who is the barber; or who shaves him? Does he require a shave? What matters to an adjudicating officer is―what gain has been made by a hacker; what damage has he caused; and how many times has he done it? 

Nevertheless, it does matter to a hacker, who is the barber and who shaves him. This is why it is relevant to the adjudicating officer (AO) too. Let me explain.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Still from the film 'Independence Day'
(Summary: This post explains  policy issues and emerging trends in field of Cyber Laws.

It was delivered delivered by Justice Yatindra Singh, Judge Allahabd High Court, on 'Cyber Law: Policy Issues & Emerging Trends' at Dr. Ram Manohar Lohiya National Law University on Lucknow 27.03.2010. 

A pdf format of the talk can be downloaded from here) .

Friday, April 16, 2010


{Full court condolence meeting in the Chief Justice's court on 16.04.2010 at 03:45 pm to mourn the sad demise of late Justice Dasu Ram Azad.
Court tenure 13.4.2009 - 10.4.2010)

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Protection of Computer Software, Open Source and Copyright
From Wikipedia
{Summary: The paper explains how computer software is protected and the relationship between open source software and copyright.

It is text of the talk delivered by Justice Yatindra Singh (Judge, Allahabad High Court, email: ysingh@allahabadhighcourt.in) in the seminar 'Intellectual Property Rights & Open Source Software - Issues & Challenges' organised by Centre for Intellectual Property Rights & NRCFOSS/ AU-KBC Research Centre Anna University Chennai at Srinivasa Ramanujan Hall, Mathematics Department, Anna University Chennai (Main Campus) Guindy, on 3rd March 2010.

A pdf fromat of this article can be downloaded from here.}

I had occasion to interact with NRC FOSS Academia in different conferences; I was also a part of the conference organised by them at Moti Lal Nehru National Institute of Technology, Allahabad: I am happy to have met them.

When my programme was finalised, I checked up the home page of Anna University where NRC FOSS is situated. To my surprise and happiness, I found that it has numerous patents in its name. These patents are not only process, but product patents too. This could not have happened without help from the cell for IPR at the University. These patents are in diverse fields. All of them are good but the ones that I liked most are in the field of environment and helping the physically challenged. After all we have not inherited mother earth from our parents but have borrowed it from our children. It is our duty to return it in good condition to them and the physically challenged require our maximum attention.

Thursday, February 04, 2010


Evolving Strategies for the Enforcement of Cyber Laws

The storming of the Bastille from Wikipedia
( Text of talk delivered by JusticeYatindra Singh, Judge High Court, on 'Launching of Cyber Law Enforcement Programme, National Consultation Meeting' at AP Shinde Hall NASC complex New Delhi on 31.01.2010. 
A pdf format of the article may be downloaded from here.)

With due apologies to Charles Dickens, it is the time when boundaries are zealously guarded: it is the time that boundaries have become meaningless; it is the age of reality: it is the age of virtuality; it is the beginning of privacy: it is the end of privacy. This paradox not only shows the difficulty in enforcing cyber laws but also explains the genesis of cyber crimes. People are emboldened to commit a cyber crime because they mistakenly assume that they are anonymous but nothing can be farther than this. There is nothing private in the cyber space: it is the end of privacy.


TWO CLASSIC BOOKS ON OUR CONSTITUTION This is the first post of the series 'Working Of Our Constitution: Some Experiences'. It talks...