Friday, March 31, 2006


Kalyan Singh was Chief Minister of UP. He was illegally removed by the Governor only to be reinstated by the Allahabad High Court. This is an account of that saga. 

Raj Bhavan Lucknow picture courtesy official website of  the Raj Bhavan UP 


This chapter contains some interesting cases and the books written on them. They have influenced the lives of many. The author was involved in the case described under the title 'Kalyan Singh Reinstated'.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

LOG-BOOK 109-111

This is an article relating to the internal emergency. The years 1975-77 are the 109th to 111th years since establishment of the Allahabad High Court in 1866. It was written on Post Centenary Silver Jubilee Celebrations of the Allahabad High Court, as if the Court is reminiscencing the role of its Judges and lawyers during the emergency, its most difficult period since its inception.
Allahabad High Court


An overruled decision of House of Lords which was wrongly relied by the Supreme Court in the Habeas Corpus case.

Lord Atkin, Who gave dissenting judgement in Liversidge Vs Anderson - picture courtesy Wikipedia 

Monday, March 27, 2006


Article 21 of the Constitution guarantees right to the life and liberty. Right to move to the court to enforce Article 21 was suspended under Article 359 of the Constitution during internal emergency (1975-77). Soon a question arose if, in such a situation, a writ of Habeas Corpus is maintainable? ADM Jabalpur Vs Shiv Kant Shukla AIR 1976 SC 1207 : (1976)2 scc 521: 1976 UJ (SC) 610: 1976 Cr LR (SC) 303: 1976 CrL J 1945 (SC) (the Habeas Corpus case) dealt with this question. This article, written 20 years after the aforesaid case was decided, narrates about the incidents, lawyers and judges connected with that case and what has happened to them.

‘The time has come’ The Walrus said
‘To talk of many things:
Of shoes and ships and sealing wax-
Of cabbages - and kings-
And why the sea is boiling hot-
And whether pigs have wings’
Through the Looking Glass; Lewis Carroll

VKS Chaudhary being brought from jail after emergency

Saturday, March 25, 2006


Internal emergency was imposed in June 1975. It was a difficult period for the country as well as for us. Many would ignore us (see End Note-1). They were afraid of being arrested or persecuted.

VKS Chaudhary & Krishna Chaudhary in the office immediately after his release.  


Krishna Virendra Trust is a charitable trust aiming to promote education especially among women, sports, and culture by instituting scholarships, awards to the deserving candidates, organising tournaments, and cultural festivals/activities. The details of the trust may be seen on its web page here.

Funds for the trust have come from the sale of different books. 

'A Lawyer’s World and Childhood Dreams' is one of the books; it contains articles written by - one of the trustees namely - Justice Yatindra Singh when he was still practicing lawyer. 

This blog is by the trust and in days to come some articles from this book will be uploaded on this blog.


TWO CLASSIC BOOKS ON OUR CONSTITUTION This is the first post of the series 'Working Of Our Constitution: Some Experiences'. It talks...