Monday, November 02, 2009

GODS ARE DREAMS OF MEN: The Story of Darwin, Creationism, Evolution and Law Courts

Charles Darwin 1809-1882 
(This is the text of talk delivered by Justice Yatindra Singh, Judge Allahabad High Court, in the inaugural function of Zoological Society University of Allahabad in DR Bhattacharya auditorium, Nehru science centre on 31st October 2009. Summary: It is a tribute to Charles Darwin on his bicentennial birth anniversary and 150th year since publication of 'On the Origin of Species'. It talks about his life, origin of species, objections of the creationists, and the cases banning teaching of 'Origin of Species' or requiring the schools to teach creationism/ artificial intelligence. Click here to download the pdf format of the article.)

AMU Case - Eight Point

The post below explains submits that the long-standing case may not be overruled, with the help of a famous quote from Spiderman comic.   Sp...